The Golden Rule - May 2023

This article was published in the May 2023 issue of the Youngstown Buckeye Review, a locally owned black publication.   



Quick Review:  Humans are not consumers!  This LIE is the source of many of our problems.  The truth?  We are Producers!  Therefore, we must think, talk, and make life decisions as Producers.  Producer language starts with Inputs and Outputs.  Inputs are what you see, hear, tough, taste, and smell.  Inputs come from people, places, things, and ideas.  Inputs “produce” your Outputs of FARTs (feelings, actions, reactions, and thoughts).  You have a Vector for each person, place, thing, and idea.  Vectors store the FARTs you produce for the Inputs that come from the people, places, things, and ideas in your life.


Though there’s more Producer language, the above is enough to begin thinking, talking, and making decisions about anything in life.  I’ll illustrate with The Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), which for most people is hard to understand or follow.  Unfortunately, many follow the LIE that we are consumers and live by The Plastic Rule: give me what I want and I may give you what you want; if I see you as valueless and unimportant, I’ll do unto you any way I please. 


Producer language provides a better understanding of The Golden Rule. “Doing unto others” are the FARTs (feelings, actions, reactions, and thoughts) you produce toward others.  The essence of The Golden Rule is really about you being aware and mindful of your FARTs (especially the inappropriate, harmful, and negative FARTs).  Indeed, you would have others be aware and mindful of the FARTs they produce “unto you”, so you should be aware and mindful of the FARTs you produce “unto others”.    


The Golden Rule is about empathy.  In Producer language having empathy for someone starts with recognizing and being sensitive to the Inputs the individual has gotten from the people, places, things, and ideas in their life.  Let’s say the Inputs were physical and/or mental abuse.  The next step to having empathy for someone is to recognize and be sensitive to the FARTs the individual produces for the abusive Inputs.  The final step to having empathy for someone is to realize that the abusive Inputs and the FARTs produced for the abusive Inputs are stored in the individual’s Vectors (e.g., the Mommy Vector, Daddy Vector, and/or Vectors for other people). 


The Golden Rule is unconditional.  Even people who produce physical and/or mental harm to others are still Producers in need of empathy.  Yes, a long “time out” may be required to prevent them from doing harm “unto others”.  However, society shouldn’t produce hateful FARTs toward them and during their “time out” society shouldn’t produce unreasonable “payback”, retribution, and punishment.  “Time out” should be about helping these Producers address their Vectors with abusive Inputs and the negative FARTs produced for those Inputs.  Also, society should give them more Vectors with Inputs related to self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and selfless contribution to society. [Giving them the Ancient Kemetian Wisdom Teaching Vector would be nice.]    


It’s important that you apply empathy to yourself.  Your ME Vector contains a lifetime of you producing FARTs about yourself.  Being aware and mindful of the FARTs in your ME Vector is a big step in following The Golden Rule.




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